Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Erif's Story - Part 3 (Alternative Title: I Hate Acid Rain)

Once again, we return to the D and D (5th edition) campaign that I am in, continuing the story form my character (Erif Hcrocs)'s point of view with the occasional extra "out of game note" from me.

Now, on with the story!

From the journal of Erif Hcrocs:

After we defeated the big ape-monster and took it's fangs, I suggested that we head back to town, claim our reward, and get out of here.

But for some reason, everyone else thought we should go investigate the monster's lair! Why?
What were they expecting to find in there? Ape poo? (I bet that Rhaugox was after ape poo. Druids are weird like that).

Anyway, while we're investigating the lair, we do not find anything of actual value, but instead, find the entrance blocked by another ape-monster and three smaller ones! Obviously, Ape monster #1 has a family. and that family does not seem to be happy that we knocked ape monster #1 out and then stole it's teeth.

(also, do I even really have to mention that this whole encounter would have just not happened if we had just left instead of heading into the lair to search for monkey poo?)


A Fight ensues!

And we win the fight, and actually manage to not kill all of them! It's kind of incredible how we are able to not kill people if we really try.

Another fairly important thing to mention about the fight is that during it, Enigma was hit really hard and just... shut down. Apparently she isn't dead (although I wasn't aware she was alive in the first place), she just isn't conscious, or functioning, and nothing seems to be able to wake her up. (out of game note: the reason this happened to enigma is that her player won't be able to come to the next few sessions, and this weird thing that happens to her is an in-game reason for why she will not be participating in the next few missions).

After winning the fight, we travel back to town (slowly, because we have to carry a shut-down warforged with us), claim our reward, and make our way back to the ship, and travel back to the Freemen headquarters.

After receiving a speech form the master of the path (out of game note: the master and mistress of the path are the two co-leaders of the freemen) about how we have to be more careful and how we need to keep our allies safe, we go to find out what the available missions for people of our rank in the freemen. The options are:

1. something has been killing someone's livestock, and they think it is their kid's imaginary friend.

2. There is acid rain, and the centaurs want it to stop.

Now, I was much more in favour of option one, because the solution is much more simple - find the imaginary friend and kill them!

But for some reason, everyone else in the group seems in favour of solving the acid rain problem! Why! What makes Solving a problem that involves acid rain any more interesting the and imaginary friend who kills people!

However, all my arguments are in vain, so we have to go help some stupid centaurs with some stupid acid rain.

As it turns out, the next ship that is supposed to be headed to the island where the acid rain is is not due for almost a month.

Hey, maybe that means we could do something other than go to a place filled with acid rain!

Oh wait, the freemen has access to teleportation circles that connect to a teleportation circle on the island, so we can just go there right now!

So we arrive on the island, and then we set off to meet the stupid centaurs (I mean really, can't they deal with the acid rain themselves?).


I hate this place so much! It's warm, but not the nice kind of dry, volcanic, warm. Instead, its the sweaty, swampy, watery warm. And it Acid rains! I don't know how we're expected to solve this problem. As far as I know, you cannot burn acid rain to death (unfortunately).

Eventually, the acid rain stops, but it does not do anything to make this adventure any less unpleasant.

We run into some angry sabre-toothed tigers, but we fight and kill them fairly easily.

Then, we finally arrive at the centaurs camp, and they give us their hospitality (you know what would have been really hospitable of them? If they never asked the freemen to help them with their acid rain problem!). They also tell us about this tower that rose out of a lake shortly before the acid rains began. Now this actually sounds promising! Maybe if we kill all of the people who live inside of this tower, the acid rain will just go away (that sounds way to easy to be true, but I can be hopeful!).

Lets go!

As we are headed in the direction of the tower that was provided to us by the centaurs, a group of bugbears comes running at us! But they look happy for some reason? Who cares! Time for some things to burn...

And that's where the session ended!

Who knows what lies in wait in the next session (which is coming up soon!)? What lurks within the tower? Is it causing the acid rain, and if not, who or what is? Why are these bugbears happy, and are they actually connected to anything important, or did they just happen to be in the area? What other things lie in store for the still unnamed team? All or none of the Questions may be answered.....

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