Monday, 15 July 2019

Erif's story - Part 8

Erif's story is the story of a D and D character that I am playing in a campaign. The story is told from his point of view, with the occasional "out of game note" from me, to help clarify a situation or explain what certain in games things are. No more explanation is needed, because I have included a link to the post where I explain Erif's backstory in this post, as well as all of my previous posts! So go catch up on that first, and then you can read this!

Also, for those that care, this post is actually covering the events of two different game sessions - one of which had me, Etchers player, and Sairon's player playing, while the other one had me, Olivia's player, Rhaugox's players, and Etcher's player playing. Additionally, just so I do not have to keep mentioning that her player is missing in every blog post after this one, Enigma's player is taking a break from the campaign, for an undetermined amount of time.

From the journal or Erif Hcrocs:

Quick update - I probably won't be joining a cult anymore - turns out it was just a phase (everyone has phases where they want to join cults, right?), our team is getting a team name (that is not the fists of flame, the sons of stabbness, the undefeatables, the company of awesome, or the destined champions - but it is still actually a good name), and I am totally going to get a broom of flying - and if any of my teammates try to take it from me, I will make their lives as miserable as possible. 

Longer update - we had finished our two-part mission to solve a missing people problem, and to retrieve a reliquary, and then proceeded to head back to freehold. On the way back, the ship got hit buy a massive storm, which we only barely made it out of alive.

Doing the storm, part of the ship caught on fire, and I had to put it out - it was really, really, sad. that fire had only just started, and it had to be put out.  It was like killing a baby! Unfortunately, I had to commit this small act of cruelty - putting out one fire - so that I could survive to light many, many, many, more fires in the future.

The ship ended up crash-landing on an unknown island - and we have to remain there a for a while while the ship got repaired. Luckily, we managed to avoid doing any hard work by instead scouting out the area. We end up not finding anything dangerous - there was an undead minotaur, but it was protecting a graveyard, and I had to make the decision that it was to big of a risk to try and set it on fire, since I might get cursed in the process. In the scouting process, we also find some healthy forest (the island was weird in that half of island was covered in dead plants, while the other half was covered in live plants, and it wasn't a gradually shift either - it was very abrupt), which allows us (and by us, I mean Etcher and Sairon) to collect materials to help repair the ship. 

After the ship gets repaired ,we are able to return to freehold without any further difficulties. Upon our return to free hold we get the idea for a potential team name - the Stormborne (I thought of the Stormborn, but everyone else seems to think that it is better with an E at the end of it).

Back at Freehold, a few things happen:

Firstly, we are promoted to the next rank of in the Freemen! This means that we can doing higher ranking (meaning more rewards, and more danger) missions,

Secondly, we socialize a bit with another freemen team (we kind of got to a higher paying mission  first, forcing them to taking a lower paying one, but they don't seem to be to bothered by it),

Finally, I do some research on this Karsis god, to decide weather or not I really do want to join his cult or not. After reading up on his religion, and what it's all about, I kind of felt disappointed. The two reasons why I thought that this whole religion things was interesting to me was because I could religiously justify anything that I set on fire, and that I could make fun of other priests I met by saying that their gods are fake. However, the truth of the matter seems to be that to become a priest of Karsis, you have to do a lot of studying first, which sounds completely boring to me. I have things to do, and stuff to set on fire. Also, Karsis does not appear to care about there being people who worship other gods, because it is believes that in the end, all will fuel Karsis's fires. And that sounds like not fun at all. What is the point of being part of a religion when you can't make fun of other peoples religions? Finally, a Karsis seems to be interested in fact that fire need to be used for both destruction and creation, but honestly, I have no interest in creation. And I do know that creation is needed to keep the world going, circle of life, birth and renewal, blah blah blah, but that is the kind of stuff is for boring people to do. I plan to cause as much fiery destruction as possible in my life time, and let other people clean up whatever is left over.

After all of this, we take a look at the new, higher ranking contracts that we could take.

Number one - go into a dungeon that a wizard used to live in and find research. We will get payed based on the amount of stuff that we bring back

Number two - rescue people who have been capture by a group of gnoll sky-pirates. We get paid a lot of gold, and we get to take any of the stuff that the pirates have.

Number three - investigate who has been destroying the water farms. We will get paid a bunch of platinum as well as a magic wand, and a broom of flying.

Trying to find research sounds boring. Number two seems good, because it seems the most simply, and I get to set a lot of things on fire. The third contract seemed like a lot of work, since we would have to investigate something, but the reward makes it seem more worth it - a broom of flying. With that, I could fly above my enemies and rain fiery destruction down upon them! It would be awesome! Of course, some of my traveling companions also want the flying broom - and that cannot be allowed. If anyone is going to get a broom of flying, it is going to be me!

(out of game note: this is approximately where the first session ended and the second one began)

Eventually, after a lot of voting , and revoting, and revoting, it is eventually decided that we will take contract three. It has not yet been decided who will get the broom of flying though (but it's going to be me!)

We get to the island where the water farms are by an unusual form of transportation - by Roc 
(out of game note - the rest of this blog post needs a bit of explanation. Firstly, one of the species that exist in most D and D worlds are Aarakocra, who are bird people. The creation of the floating isles has actually been a good thing for them, scene it allows them to take advantage of their innate ability of flight. The aaracokra have formed into a fighting mercantile empire, and have made a large profit transporting various goods between the islands. One of the main goods that they transport is water, which they are able to harvest from rain and dew. Their island (because the they are so rich, they have bought an entire island to use) is mostly just filled with "water farms", which are large pink sheets that they use to collect water. The contract that our group has taken is to discover who has been destroying these water farms, and to put a stop to it. also, the Aarakocra have domesticated several Rocs (gigantic birds, usually eagles), which they have trained to carry what are essentially giant wooden boxes, to either transport non-flying people (such as our group), or large quantities of goods)

After a few days of travel, we arrive at the Aarakocra's island. After arriving, we are introduced to one of the Talons (the Aarakocra's leaders are called talons, I guess), Who explains what has been happening more in detail. This case is apparently interesting because normally, people would just try to steal parts of the water farms because generally they can be sold for a lot, but whoever has been doing this is just destroying the water farms, and has not been taking anything. Other important information includes the fact that the destructions have been happening more and more often, and that no potential culprit has been found, even through the Aarockra had searched all of the surface of this island. The only evidence left behind are strange disturbances in the earth.

Rhaugox is able to conclude that the most likely option is that whoever has been doing this is probably some kind of burrowing creature, who is living underground, inside of the island itself, which would explain how nothing was found on the surface of the island.

So we start digging. It takes several hours, and most of us end up really tired. Then I end up digging in the wrong place, and we start sinking into the ground. We are all able to escape, although Etcher requires Rhaugox's help - he is rescued from the quicksand by Rhaugox turning into a giant frog and swallowing Etcher.

After that relatively stressful situation (and not the fun kind of stressful situation either-nothing was set on fire!) the quicksand eventually dissipates, leaving us with an incredibly deep hole. To get down we end up using Frog-Rhaugox as a transportation device to get to the bottom.

Once there, we find ourselves in a narrow underground corridor. Following the corridor, we eventually find a much larger cavern. In this cavern we are repeatedly attacked by groups small, burrowing, tentacle-face-mouth-weird-things. If I had to guess, they are probably what is destroying the water farms (although that is mostly because we have found nothing in these caves). We have now killed several groups of them, but now the have grouped together into a larger mass and are now headed toward us...

And that is where the session ended. 
Next time, on Erif's story...
I have no clue what will happen next time, because I am not the game master. But I am sure whatever it is going to be it will certainly be interesting.